ZADIG Smart service integrates a ready-to-use cloud-based directory managing cloud identities for all users with an active ZADIG Smart license and their associated devices . The user creation process through the ZADIG Smart dashboard triggers the creation of a cloud identity in the directory. The created account can be activated easily by the user following the first access procedure where it’s required to configure some authentication data. Devices can be added to the directory following the registration or join procedure, for this reason, the directory can maintain two main types of devices: registered devices and joined devices. The first category of devices defines a typical Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) scenario where the user accesses organization resources using a personal device. On the other hand, joined devices refer to devices owned by the organization.
To register a Windows personal device to the directory open Settings and select Accounts, then select Access Work or School, and then select Connect. On the set up a work or school account screen type in your e-mail address for your work account and then complete the sign-in procedure.
To join a Windows corporate device to the directory open Settings and select Accounts, then select Access Work or School and then select Connect. On the set up a work or school account screen, select the option available to join the device to the directory and then complete the procedure of signing in using your Microsoft account.
ZADIG Smart Professional Plan integrates the MDM platform to remotely manage devices. In this case registration and join procedures described above enable the automatic enrollment of the device to the MDM platform, without any other procedure to follow
That’s not all. In addition, macOS, iPadOS, iOS, Android, and Linux devices are supported. Through the connection of the Apple Business Manager portal and Android Enterprise of Google portal, you have the possibility to manage your corporate Apple and Android devices.